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marți, 11 februarie 2025

We did save it!

Must read

Obreja Constantin Gabriel :

Since several days, the staff from security service had reported that a large sturgeon appears in the early hours of the day on the surface of the water and it stands very still … often floating in drift.

There were 5 strenuous days with additional supervision staff, non-stop. Today, the fish had appeared at exactly 11 o’clock … but for 10 minutes … it really looked sick..lose….slowly moving. We took the boat quickly to the water and slowly, slowly we moved towards him … 20 meters before we rechead the sturgeon, he had left in the depths … I stayed on the boat. Carried by the wind and waves ….something I cannot explain, made us feel like the „patient” is going to come out again ….. and..yes! … within 5 meters distance to the boat, the fish shortly appears. Its face was no doubt oriented to the boat and it looked exactly in our eyes .. motionless, hard to say if he had tears..

…. I would say yes.

Then everything went smoothly….. it was easily caught as it did not oppose at all, it was placed on the trolley and quickly taken to the pontoon to study it closer .. nothing hit .. nothing broken .. and yet the fish had something … had a twig, a remnant of a raffia bag with some plastic scraps and other waste just inside the mouth, stuck tightly ….. 2-3 minutes of operation follow because yes, I am a specialist in dentistryomat, I can say.. ..and I get something out that is not related to its environment but something done by the human hand!
In 40 minutes the monster takes power. It struggles … the fish who stayed almost all in the water, came to life …. it moves! … then it leaves in no minute, moving his tail… wetting the whole audience … exactly 7 people.

Only that.

GO THERE, Dica ! .. you have been saved!



De cateva zile personalul aflat in serviciul de paza semnalează faptul ca un sturion mare isi face apariția in primele ore ale zilei la suprafata luciului de apă si stă efectiv foarte mult nemișcat …plutind de multe ori in derivă.

Au urmat 5 zile intense cu personal suplimentar de observare a lacului…non -stop ,azi peștele și-a facut apariția exact la ora 11…..dar pentru 10 minute..într-adevăr parea bolnav..slăbit..miscari lente…Dă-i repede barca la apă,si incet ,incet la vasle catre el…cu 20 de metri inainte de a ajunge l-am pierdut,plecase in adâncuri… am ramas pe loc cu barca purtati de vânt și valuri…”cineva de sus” simtea faptul ca pacientul va iesi din nou …..si..si..DA…la nici 5 metri de barca apare in scurt timp, el,exact cu fața spre barcă…exact in ochii noștri ..nemișcat,greu de spus dacă avea lacrimi
….eu spun că da.

Apoi totul a decurs de la sine…s-a lasat prins ușor nu s-a opus deloc ,a fost pus pe targă si dus repede la ponton pentru studierea acestuia de mai aproape..nimic lovit..nimic rupt..si totusi peștele avea ceva…avea un ghem de sfoară,un rest de sac de rafie cu ceva resturi de plastic, si alte deșeuri exact in interiorul guri ,prinse puternic de cerul acesteia …..urmeaza 2-3 minute de operatie pentru că da,sunt chiar specialist in stomatologie😉..si scot ceva ce nu are legatura cu mediul lui…ceva facut de mana omului…..
In 40 de minute monstrul prinde putere.. se zbate…peștele a stat aproape tot in apă si a prins viață….mișca….apoi pleacă ca din pușcă dând din coadă puternic… udând din cap până in picioare toată audiența…exact 7 persoane.

Doar atât.

DU-TE DICĂ!..ai fost salvat!…

Obreja Constantin Gabriel :
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